
a state-of-the arts treatment program



とても懐かしい報告書で、当時EBP(Evidence Based Practice)を目指していたのですが、米国のプログラムよりもインプレッシブだったとのご評価いただきました。真剣にこちらの説明をお聞きくださる先生がメモをしながらも質問の連続だったことを思い出しました。子どもたちとの非言語のワークショップにも参加していただき、楽しみながらも感心されていたことを思い出しました。 


また、最後にa state -of-the-art treatment program と書いていただいていたことに恐縮しました。懐かしいです。もう20年も前になりますね。現在は、小さな社会的企業の経営を行っていますが、この時の子どもたちの笑顔と職員の頑張りはいまだに脳裏に焼きついていて、今も昔もこのような仕事が好きなのがわかります。これからも体力のつづく限り頑張ります。



William E. Pelham, Jr., Ph.D.

Report of Research Presentation and Activities


November 26, 2005 – December 6, 2005



December 2, 2005:


Early Morning-midmorning Travel from Kurume to Hiroshima


11 AM till 14:30 PM Morning/afternoon Visit to Hiroshima Juvenile Training School 

Summary:  We met the Mr. Mukai, Program Director of the training school, and Ms. Shinagawa, a free-lance writer, for a tour of the Hiroshima Juvenile Training School.  Mr. Mukai met with us and escorted us on a tour, on which we saw living quarters, activities, and had the treatment program explained.  The school was very  impressive—more so than most of the comparable programs that I have seen in the USA.  The treatment regimen bears many similarities to the excellent point/token/level systems that are used in the evidence-based residential programs in the U.S.A., including the Achievement Place model, the Boy’s Town model, and the STP.  As in the STP, the treatment program is integrated in group-based recreational activities (e.g., running, traditional martial arts) and other group projects. 


The program is designed to foster understanding of allegiance to a social group.  We observed several activities and participated in one (based on small groups) designed to teach group trust.    All in all, the program was very impressive upon observation.  After the tour, we had lunch with Mr. Mukai and the Director, Mr. Komatsu.  Following lunch, Mr. Mukai made a Powerpoint presentation in which he outlined the evidence base that he used to design the treatment regimen and the outcomes that it has produced.  It is clear that he has a very sophisticated grasp of the worldwide literature on the risk factors and mechanisms of aggression and delinquency, and that he has designed a state-of-the-art treatment program.  He presented outcomes for the training program that were very impressive indeed.  (Translation)


Comprehensive, Evidence-based Treatment for ADHD

(45 min—joint presentation with Dr. Yamashita—Translation)

Lecture summary (Powerpoint attached):  In this lecture, I focused first on the teen and young-adult outcomes of ADHD individuals—primarily delinquency, poor educational outcomes, and substance abuse.  I subsequently described evidence-based treatment of ADHD.  Dr. Yamashita then described the STP approach.  Finally, I summarized the treatment literature on other evidence-based approaches to treatment, including for delinquency, aggression, and other disorders, as well as the various sources in the U.S.A. for identification of evidence-based practices (e.g., the SAMSHA NREPP list, Blue Ribbon Practice list).

Attendees: Approximately 30 staff members